Hello friends! I apologize for the extremely long break between posts here. This Spring term I wasn't taking any art classes (weird!) and Summer was a little crazy since I was getting married. Hooray! Anyway, I just wanted to reassure you all that I do indeed still do art.
This semester I am only taking one Illustration class (I'm almost done with my major which is freaking me out a little) and it is all about oil painting! Painting is not my strong suit as I have very little experience with it. So this class has been, and will continue to be, a very good learning experience for me. The first half of the semester is all still-life paintings (so this will be a little flashback for all you long time readers to my posts a couple years ago--
http://nmb-art.blogspot.com/2011/11/some-serious-backlog.html ). However, the second half will be figure painting! You know how I love the figure!
Anyway, here are the paintings I have done so far (from earliest to most recent):
This piece was done with only Ultramarine Blue, Burnt Sienna, and White paint |
This piece was focusing on warm vs. cool lights and shadows.
It was also done with only the three colors mentioned above. |
This piece was done only using Alizaron Crimson, Yellow Ochre, white, and black paint.
Grapes are hard. |
Master-work study of a Diego Velazquez painting. |
I painting this piece using only a palette knife-- no brushes. |
Using palette knives makes the paint quite thick. |