Wednesday, January 6, 2016

New Website!

Once again I have neglected my art blog (and my drawing in general). It's an eternal struggle.  But I do have good news-- I was using a lot of the time when I wasn't drawing/posting art to create a website! Hooray!  It's such a nice feeling to have a professional-looking place to showcase my best pieces again.  Please check it out! 

One of the reasons I was anxious to get my website up and running is so that I have a place to put my figure drawings.  So as not so alienate any potential readership, I will no longer be uploading my nude figure drawings to this blog.  However, I will still continue to attend the weekly figure drawing sessions and do a lot of drawings through that, so keeping checking my website every so often to see which future pieces I feel most proud of!

And here are some sketches (sorry there aren't more), and one figure drawing (don't worry-- it doesn't show any sensibility-offenders). Enjoy!

There are so many awesome people to draw in the city!

This outfit is based on a dream I had that combined a Classical Indian dance costume with something ancient Egyptian.

I'm very proud of how this turned out. Yay light and shadow!