Friday, March 2, 2012

Figure Drawing: Week Seven and Eight

So last week we only had one day of class and that was only about an hour long because there was a guest artist demo at the same time. So since I only drew like one thing I waited until this week to make a new post.

We were focusing on hands the past couple of classes! Hands are great fun and really difficult so it has been good studying them specifically. Also I just discovered using white nupastel to make my drawings two-toned. I am still experimenting with it and trying to figure out the best way to use it but I like it pretty well. I enjoy trying new things with my art!

The proportions ended up being pretty awful but since this is the one where I first started trying the white nupastel I thought I would share it anyway.

Interlaced fingers are the weirdest looking. SO MANY FINGERS!

1 comment:

  1. Wow! You are so good Natasha! I only took the first figure drawing class and it was really difficult. Keep up the awesome work
