I discovered that I am very much a novice when it comes to drawing with ink. It's been tricky to figure out, but not being able to erase or hit "undo" has been good for me! For these drawings I started experimenting with shading. Since I'm just drawing with a roller pen (rather than actual ink and brush tools), I'm just shading by smudging the ink with a damp q-tips. It's not super professional, but hey, it works!
Here are the drawings for the third book in the series: Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban:
There were several fun, potential drawing ideas on this page to choose from, but I decided to go with a straight-forward portrait of Percy Weasley from the Egypt vacation his family took. I tried to make sure he looked properly pompous with his Head Boy ("humongous bighead") badge.
Day 5: "Humungous Bighead" |
Okay, I loved that I got to draw flobberworms. haha It was cracking me up! Poor Harry is not impressed with the state of Hagrid's Care of Magical Creatures class. And one of those flobberworms may have gotten a bit too much lettuce stuffed down it's throat... ;)
Day 6: "Flobberworms (Most Boring Creatures in Existence)" |
Finally, a drawing of one of the other members of Harry's trio: Hermione Granger! And of course the ever-important Hagrid. So here is Hermione, bless 'er heart, managing to find time to help poor Hagrid prepare for Buckbeak's trial. She certainly does look tired, though!
Day 7: "Trial Prep" |
The poses for both Harry and Hermione on this drawing gave me quite a bit of grief. This drawing definitely took the longest out of any of them so far. I started several times before I settled on a composition/positions that I liked, but I think it turned out all right. And I'm very happy with the tiny Buckbeak in the background!
Day 8 "A Patronus? But who conjured it?" |
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